速報APP / 健康塑身 / Dr India

Dr India





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Dr India(圖1)-速報App

Dr India — connects you with everything you need in healthcare to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Dr India(圖2)-速報App

Dr India helps to search for doctors, hospitals, diagnostic centres, pharmacies & other health services close to your location.

Dr India(圖3)-速報App

Dr India also gives you the latest information in health by leading doctors & other professionals in its articles & news section.

Dr India(圖4)-速報App

Dr India is a location based application where by users can access to the following services: Find a Doctor, Find Hospitals & Clinic, Find Diagnostics Centres, Find Pharmacies, Beauty & Health Services, & many more close to your location.

Dr India(圖5)-速報App

Dr India is a disease based & need based application where users have a choice of the mode & place of treatment.

Dr India(圖6)-速報App

How does Dr India help you to do that?

Dr India(圖7)-速報App

Find a Doctor – helps you to have a disease based search. You can go through all the modalities & place available close to you for treatment of the specific disease. You can go through the feedback's.

Dr India(圖8)-速報App

Find Hospitals & Clinics – helps you find small clinics to the largest multi-specialty hospitals close to you.

Find Diagnostic Centres – helps to locate diagnostic centres providing facilities for x-rays, blood test, CT-scan, MRI, etc close to your location with their contact numbers.

Dr India also helps you to locate for pharmacies, beauty & other health services close to your location.

In articles & news section you can also go through the articles by leading health professionals & latest new in health.